The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 582)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 582)
- المحتوى
ciency and discipline of the labor force resulted in increasing the number
of unskilled categories in the labor process.
Both consequences implied greater demand for unskilled labor in Israel.
If for nothing but political and security considerations, unskilled
labor categories in arms and arms-related industries are likely to be per-
formed by Oriental-Jews, not by Palestinian-Arabs. The latter, therefore,
became increasingly in demand in non-military industries, primarily where
consumer goods predominates.
For the first time in the history of Palestine, demand for both Arab
and Jewish labor simultaneously became consistent with the requirement of
reproduction of the dominant relations of production in the country and the
development of its productive forces. This is another way of identifying a
basic transformation of the social relations historically prevalent in the
Israeli social formation and derived from its labor or proletarian Zionist
tradition. This basic transformation was the result of the essential inter-
nationalization of capital by which the process of Palestinian proletariani-
zation was unfettered.
The essential internationalization of capital is related to the essen-
tial unevenness of capitalist accumulation inherent in the fundamental ten-
dency of the organic composition of capital to increase.
Consequently, the essential unevenness of capitalist development is
represented in the urge of higher forms of capital to integrate less develop-
ed forms of production as a condition and site for the reproduction of domi-
nant capital.
In "Greater Israel" the requirements for reproduction of the dominant
capital, as well as the essentially Jewish relations of production, had to
clash, transforming the initial conditions dictated by Labor-Zionism. - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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