The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 583)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 583)
Labor-Zionism, the condition necessary to the initiation of the pro-
cess of exclusive Jewish capitalist formation in Palestine, was destroyed
by the process itself. This is an example of the dialectics of develop-
ment. Similarly, the settler-colonial social formation, transplanted
once in Palestine to replace the indigenous Palestinian social formation,
is increasingly urged by the requirements of its extended self-reproduc-
tion to reintegrate the remnants of the Palestinian social formation,
This reintegration is socially expressing itself in the formation of
a joint social force. This is the proletariat class -- combined Israeli-
Jews and Palestinian-Arabs -- who are located in the bottom of Israel's
social division of labor, identically performing productive, manual and
non-supervisory labor categories. Owing to their identical objective
place in the production process, they share common class location and
class interest. This commonality of class location and interest is a
necessary material condition but not a sufficient prerequisite for an
actual proletarian alliance. Two types of impediments against actual
alliance prevail in the present:
(a) Material impediments. Central to these impediments is the in-
ternal segmentation of the proletariat subject to differential locations
in the social formation as a whole, specifically in relation to the State
apparatuses. This structural segmentation distorts their unifying essential
antagonism as the exploited class against the ruling class objectively
dictated by the commonality of their place in the production process and,
instead, highlights their relatively contradictory interests as class
fractions: the "super-exploited" and the "labor aristocracy",
Contrasted with these segmentations, however, are structural trans-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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