The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 111)
- عنوان
- The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 111)
- المحتوى
The primary unit of the ANM is the cell, which
consists of three to seven members. There are two types
of cells: area cells, composed of members living in the
same quarter; and work-place cells, composed of members
working in the same factory, workshop or office.°® The cell.
is the basic organizational unit where the Movement members
receive their party education and undergo a process of
tough training and experience in order to emerge as dedicated
revolutionaries in the struggle against the existing order.
A strict agenda has to be observed in the regular weakly
meetings of the cell in order to equip the members with the
fundamentals of revolutionary thought and practice. The
agenda, as a rule, consists of the following permanent items:
1. Reading and discussing circulars and directives
of higher organs;
2. Discussing a commentary on the important events
of the week presented by one of the cell members;
3. Studying a theoretical issue or an organizational
problem presented by the higher levels of the Movement or
selected by the leader of the cell;
4. Discussing the activities of the cell for the
previous week and assigning new tasks for the next week;
5. Financial and miscellaneous items;
6. Criticism and self-criticism.
Sstatement by Salam Ahmed, personal interview,
November 10, 1968.
7ANM, "Kayf£ tagoud Khaliya" [How to Lead a Cell],
pp. 3-5; ANM, "Risalah ila’ada al-Khalaya" [Letter to Cell
Members], pp. 1-5. - تاريخ
- 1971-02-07
- المنشئ
- Basil R. Al-Kubaisi
- مجموعات العناصر
- Generated Pages Set
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