The Arab Revolt of 1936-1939 in Palestine: A Study Based on Oral Sources (ص 95)


The Arab Revolt of 1936-1939 in Palestine: A Study Based on Oral Sources (ص 95)
c inp political ideas, and ir
) played a role in the
Dut also, and more importantly, popular poet
s roamed throughout the rural areas, singing their poetry in
1935-36 witnessed a new tid
vhich among other things had
lations being held, which culminated in the Anglo-Egyptian
‘2nd of March 1936. In Syria, the growing pow
ist block led to an uprising and general strike which lasted 50
senbeallenosnvereneeneaaindinsk+tienenenapnainettiiy hieiina ehdiialilin
a le
els. Many ‘OF Ibrahim’
in occupied Palestine.
keeping high morale among
S songs are stil] being sung today
Sonia Nimr
مجموعات العناصر
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