Palestine: A Modern History (ص 116)


Palestine: A Modern History (ص 116)
242 Index
Muhammad ‘Ali at-Taher 130
Muhammad al-Shanti 36
Muhammad Taher al-Husseini 17
al-Multa’ am al-'Adabi 30 ’
Al-Munadi 28
al-Muntada al-Addbi 34,70, 72
al-Muqtabas 25, 28, 36
Murison-Tnisted*Commission 174.0 h
Musa Kazem Husseini’88, 89, 92,.99,
113,419, 1302135, £45, 169,177
Muslim-Christiart Committges 48,57,
58, 60, 642 3
Muslim-Christian Societies 66, 107, *
112,115,431 “ »*
Muslim Young Men’s Association 180
Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) 90,113,115
Nablus 111, 143-4, 189:er:pdssim
Najib al-Hajj7 u
Najib Azoury 18
Najib Nassar 24, 25, 27; 28, 34
Naji Sweidi 208, 209
Nassif Bey al-Khalidi 31
National Block 178, 189
National Christian Societies 106
National Defence Party 177-8, 188,
203, 207, 222,
National Party 121, 130-1, 132, 133,
135) a
Nebi Musa Pilgrimage 1920, 75-8
Notables 97-9,'107, 114, 123-4,
145, 157,172
Nuri el-Said 198
Ormsby-Gore; Captain William
43,47, 48, 50:51, 55 66, 197-8,
203 b
Ottoman Empire 11, 12, 13: et passim:
see also Turks
Ottomarf NationalParty 26, 32°
Palestine Arab Conferencé 60, 62, 63
Palestine Arab Congrebsés: 3rd 87-90,
97; 4th 99; 5th 113- 16; 6th 119-20;
7th 137; see also Afab Executive
Palestine Arab: Delegations 99, 100,
101-4, 112, 116, 117, 120-1; 130,
157-8, 219, 220°
Palestine Arab Liberal Party 165, 167
Palestiné Aiab Party 177-8, 188, 190
pyeseine Arab Society 79
Palestine Arab-Women’s Congress 150
Palestine Land Development
Company 19) ©
Palestine Statement df Policy
(British Government's) 221-3
Palestine Youth Congress 168, 189
Palin Commission Report 75:78
Palmerston, Viscount 13, 15 +
Pan Arab Group 6} “
Paris Peace Conference 60, 62:65
Partitiorl Commission 215, 217
Passfield, Lord 155,157-8, 159-61
Peasants’ Party 132, 133, 135
Peel Commission 139 ot, 202,
203, 204, 205, 207-8
Peirse, Air Vice-Aumiral 193,195,
196 u
Permanent Mandate Commission 168,
Philby, H. St John 151 ’
Pichon, M. 62
Piddt 56: see also“Sykes-Picot
Plumer, Field Marshal Lord‘ 135;
137, 138
Poale Zion 85 *
al-Qibla 45
Ragheb Bey Nashashibi 78, 145,
170,'177, 188, 191, 206, 218,
219; et passim
al-Ra‘i al-‘Am 25, 27, 283-36
Ramla 18
Rashad Pasha 17
Rashid Rida 18
Revolutionary Youth Committee 182
Rock; Alfred 191-219
Rothschild, Barén-Edmond -de13 r44
Ruhi Khalidi 26
Ruppin, Arthur 11:
Russia 13; 163
Rutenberg @lectricity) Scheme 114;
120, 1
Safed 11
Said al-‘As 199
Sa’id al-Husseini 26 "
Salim ‘Abdul Rahman 182.
Samuel, Herbert 66, 78-9; as’High
Cémmissioner 85, 86-7, 97-101,
115, 116-17; et passim
San Rémo Confereried 79, 84
Sa‘udi ‘Arabia 198
al. Shabiba al- -Nabulsiyya 34
Shakib Arslan, Amir 163
Shaukat ‘Ali 163, 165
Shaw Commission 156-7
Shi‘a 11
Shirkat al-Iqtisad al-Falastini
al-Arabi 33
Shirkat al-Tijara al-Wataniyya
al-Iqtisadiyya 33
Shuckburgh 103, 159
Shukri al-Assali 26
Simpson, Sir John Hope 158, 159-60
Socialist Workers’ Party 85
Society for Resisting the Zionists
Society of Jewish Youth 32
Solokow, Naham 53
Storrs, Colonel Ronald 46, 49, 51,
57,59, 60
Subhi al-Khadra 167
Subhi Yasin 180-1
Suleiman al-Taji al-Farouqi 26, 32,
131, 134, 135
Supreme Muslim Council 131, 132,
136, 140, 151, 175
Sursuq family 22, 133
Sykes 46, 58, 59, 63; see also next
Sykes-Picot Agreement 44
Symes, G.S. 107-8
Syria 11-14 passim, 43, 48,59, 61,
66-9 passim, 73, 187, 206; French
occupation of 89, 90 et passim
Taha al-Mudawwar 27
Tala‘t Bey 25
Tanzimat 12
Tawfig Abu el-Huda 219
Tawfig Sweidi 216
Thomas, J.H. 182
Trans-Jordan 91, 150, 132-3, 207
Treaty of Sévres 115
Trumpledor, Captain Joseph 74-5
Turks 11, 17, 33, 39, 90; et passim;
see also Ottoman Empire
‘Ulama’ 12
Urbach, Dr 39
Waggett, Major 77
Wailing Wall 138-41, 1424
Watson, General H.D. 72
Wauchope 168-9, 182, 190, 197-8,
Wavell, General 210
Weizmann, Dr 47-53 passim, 63, 65,
66, 70, 71, 74, 85, 162-3, 191,
199, 220
Williams, O.G.R. 202
Wilsor, President Woodrow 57, 62
Wingate, Captain O.C, 47, 214
Ya‘qoub Farraj, 206, 191
Young, Major 102
Young, Vice-Consul 16
Yusuf al-‘Isa 61
Yusuf al-Khalidis 17
Zionism 13-14, 18-20; agitation
against 1930-5, 155-83; and
British Mandate 1920-3, 84-124
passim; and British policy,
1917-20 43-79; et passim; see also
Jews in Palestine
Zionist Commission 47, 48, 49, 50,
51, 52, 85
Zionist Congresses 18, 171
Zionist Executive 100, 146
Zionist Organization 18, 19, 64, 66,
88, 137, 138
Zionist Programme 64
هو جزء من
Palestine: A Modern History
Abdul-Wahhab Kayyali
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