GTZ مراسلات مع (ص 120)


GTZ مراسلات مع (ص 120)
13:13 LE.C. AMMAN-TORDHH 4 972 2 S54451
Ape LQ oblL atu Sy Fax 962-6-66282 /
(NSS 59 Gant) Tel 962-6-661251
cece Consulting Engineering Center Telex = 23469 Center Jo
(Sajdi & Partners) P 0 Box - 6180
Amman - Jordan
TO =. —_ _pctioall tah Cabs Geta Ret ___ 249/132
oo ee Date 13/8/1996
FAX. oe 00972-2-995 4431 _ . No. of pages Q)
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GTZ مراسلات مع


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