The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 42)


The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 42)
Likewise the Kata'ibists were impressed by the
statesmanship of Cavour and Bismarck who gave clear priority
to the issue of national unification over that of constitu-
tional reforms and thus succeeded in combatting the forces
that checked the national development of Italy and Germany.
Doubtless the union issue which occupied the thinking of
the founding leaders of the Kata'ib was substantially
nourished by Pan-Germanism and Italian unification.”
Some of the leaders of the Kata'ib, especially the
Egyptians among them, had prior experience with
10 It was, therefore, not
Ahmed Husayn's Green Shirts.
unnatural that these leaders would introduce the ideological
doctrines and organizational structure of their former
paramilitary youth organization which was modelled after
the S. A. and the Fascist phalanges. Indeed in choosing
their strategy and tactics, the Kata'ib leaders have copied
from Ahmed Husayn's program and fundamental principles.
Beside other things the Kata'ib adopted the organizational
framework of the Green Shirts apparatus which was particularly
useful for clandestine combat. Following the footsteps of
the Green Shirts the founding leaders of the Kata'ib started
to build their own armed units based on a system of vertical
links and very strict discipline.
I tbid.
10,3 -Hindi, loc. cit.
Basil R. Al-Kubaisi


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