The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 55)


The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 55)
organization's apparatus exposed to the police they could
hardly make any move. Therefore, they had to choose between
two alternatives: either to start building the organization
anew or to switch from terrorist politics to mass struggle.
The issue was finally settled in favor of the latter against
the protests of a couple adventurers who still insisted that
reprisals should be carried against the oppressive authori-
24 It is significant to note here that George Habash
was the first among his companions to repudiate the old line
once he preached. It is believed that this change of heart
did not come all of a sudden. Habash was having some second
thoughts about. the activities of the Kata'ib as early as
Summer 1950. In one of the meetings of the leadership,
according to Jihad Dhahi, Habash complained that the movement
was making only little headway among the masses. Indeed he
went so far as to ask if there was not opportunity for
greater success by other means. >
it was only natural with the underground organization
exposed and the hard core militants detained that George Habash
should repudiate terrorist adventurism in favor of the organi-
zation of mass struggle. By no means all of the Kata'ibists
went that route. The political views of the adventurers
pulled them in a different direction which need not concern
. 24 ctatement by anonymous, personal interview,
June 28, 1970. :
23 Statement by Jihad Dhahi, personal interview,
December 28, 1968.
Basil R. Al-Kubaisi


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