The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 65)


The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 65)
the expounding of his nationalist doctrines with no attempt
on his part to engage his students in political activities,
the Arab Nationalists seized the initiative to invite the
more energetic and promising participants in the discussion
circles to take part in their political activities.
In the course of the next few months and before the
end of the university year, the Arab Nationalists started
their own study groups and enrolled many of Zurayk's
students who have proved, in the meanwhile, to be serious
and active. The Arab Nationalists did not confine them-
selves only to explaining the ideas of Arab nationalism to
those who attended their study groups but also engaged them
in the political struggle. Everyone belonging to these
groups was expected to be an active member in al-Urwah and
to take a leading part in its activities. Everyone was
also expected to participate in other political activities
conducted by the Arab Nationalists.
It is pertinent to recall here that Dr. Zurayk
acted as the advisor to the Executive Committee of al-Urwah
during the year 1950-1951, and as such he was in close con-
tact with the founding leaders of the movement. His
influence must have been great on the Arab Nationalists
45unless otherwise pointed out, the information on
the formative years of the ANM is based mainly on the author's
personal interviews with Dr. George Habash, June 24, 1970;
Hani al-Hindi, June 22, 1970; Dr. Wadi' Haddad, June 21, 1970;
Dr. Ahmed al-Khatib, November 12, 1968 and Hamid al-Jibouri,
March 6, 1968 and other members of the original leadership
who wished their names to be kept in secret.
Basil R. Al-Kubaisi


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