The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 75)


The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 75)
refugees, It severely attacked British Foreign Secretary
Herbert Morrison for his peace proposals, and later in
1953 it uneguivocally rejected the proposals put forth by
Mr. Eric Johnston, President Eisenhower's personal represen-
tative in the Middle East. Al-Tha'r insisted that
Mr. Johnston's proposals for developing the irrigation and
hydro electric resources of the Jordan Valley was designed
to benefit the Israelis on the expense of the Palestinians.
It is beyond the scope of the present dissertation
to explore in depth the above proposais. It is, however,
pertinent to recall that the Arab Nationalists were con-
cerned with the national rights of the Palestinians and as
such they rejected all proposals that stopped short of
dealing with their natural right to return to Palestine.
In fact the Arab Nationalists were suspicious of any
attempt to resettle the Palestinian refugees in the neighbor-
ing Arab states. They saw in these attempts “ulterior
designs to liquidate the Palestinian problem".°®
The Arab Nationalists efforts to mobilize the
refugees and rally their opposition to the resettlement
_ proposals was, again, testimony to the Habash leadership
ability. At this time Wadi’ Haddad, a Palestinian refugee
from Safad who was then in his final year at the Medical
College of the American University and one of the original
leaders of the ANM used to spend his week-ends .along -with
2666 Ali Naser al-Din, Al-Tha'r aw Mahu al- "Ar.
[Vengeance or the Erasing of Disgrace], (Beirut: n.p., n.d.).
Basil R. Al-Kubaisi


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