The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 76)


The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 76)
Dr. George Habash at the refugee camps in the outskirts of
Beirut or far away in Southern Lebanon. They used to take
' care of the sick but more importantly they held political
discussions through the night with the front-rank refugees.
Among the latter group was Ahmed al-Yamani, who subsequently
became an outstanding leader in the ANM and its offshoot
the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
Wadi' Haddad worked with diligence and perseverance
to show the Palestinian refugees that the battle against
the enemy can and should be won through the combined effort
of the Arabs. "The way to Tel Aviv", he used to tell them,
“is through Damascus, Baghdad, Amman:.and Cairo." By stating
the Strategy and tactics of the ANM in simple terms he was
inducing the Palestinian refugees to assimilate their
fortunes with the fortunes of the Arab masses and in fact
was calling upon the Palestinians, who were in a state of
disarray, to pull themselves together and to join the struggle
with the Arab revolutionaries against the corrupt political
order which was to blame in the first place for the loss of
In its role of resistance leader, the Organization
for Resisting Peace with Israel attracted to its ranks a
large number of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. These new
recruits gave the Arab Nationalists the possibility of
expounding their activities. At the same time the integra-
tion of the Palestinian refugees in the ANM brought into the
Basil R. Al-Kubaisi


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