The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 96)


The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 96)
The ANM campaigned vigorously against the inroads
of communism in Iraq. In al-Wuhdah [The Union], a clandestine
paper, which al-Hindi helped put out, the Arab Nationalists
denounced the activities of the Communist party, accusing it
of working against the principles of Arab nationalism and
Arab unity. Since the issue of unity was paramount at this
time, the ANM published a number of studies designed to
21 The United Arab
re~enforce the drive for Arab unity.
Republic which was engaged in an intensive press and radio
campaign was more than happy to propagate some of these
studies. Thus it reprinted and widely circulated al-Hakam
Darwaza's celebrated book on communism. 27
Al-Huriyah [Freedom], the national organ of the ANM
took the opportunity in its first issue which appeared on
January 4, 1960 to define the ANM stand in the ensuing con-
flict. It said: "We are ideologically inclined to wage a
war on all forces considered to be inimical to our [national]
movement ... no matter whether they be Eastern or Western ...
rightist or leftist." This middle-of-the-way stand was
reiterated once and again by al-Huriyah and the other organs
21anM, al-Wuhdah Tariquna [The Union is Our Path],
1958; al-'Iraq wa a'ada' ali-Wuhda [Iraq and the Enemies of
Union], 1959; Ayuha al-Shyu'iyun ayn iymanukum bil-itihad
al-fidrali [You Communists is Your Faith in Federation],
1959; al-Wuhdah Thawrah wa Mas"uliyah [The Union: Revolution
and Responsibility], 15595.
22 .4-shuyu'iyah al-mahaliyah wa ma'rakat al-arab
al-Qawmiyah {Local Communism and Arab National Struggle],
Beirut: Dar al-Fajr, 1962).
Basil R. Al-Kubaisi


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