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Please note the file-naming instructions below. Please upload PDF/A formatted files.   

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Add an issue of a journal

Name Conventions 

Title: please enter the journal name followed by space, a colon, another space, then the issue number as such "Journal Name : ##" in its original language. 

Serial name: Please follow the instructions below. 

  1. Issues (of magazines, newspapers, etc.): Title_Title-YYYY-MM-DD-VVV-NNNN
  2. Books and all other documents: Lastname_firstname-YYYY-MM-DD-Title_title (or Lastname_Lastname in case of multiple authors). 
  3. Where: 
    1. Y=year, M=month, D=day, V=volume number, N= issue number.
    2. The number of letters denotes the number of digits in a field. 
  4. The titles follow the original language and numbers are arabic (i.e. 1234 not ١٢٣٤)
  5. If the issue (N) or volume number (V) fields are missing they are to be replaced with zeros.
  6. If publication is by season we use 21 for Spring, 22 (Summer), 23 (Fall), and 24 (Winter) in the months field, and write days as 00. 
  7. An approximate date is denoted by a tilde (~).
  8. An uncertain and estimated date is denoted by a percentage sign (٪).
  9. If either of these signs are placed before the number in a field, it applies to that field only. If it is placed after a number in a field, it applies to all date fields before it as well.
  10. If a digit is missing or unknown, for any reason, it is to be replaced with the letter س in case of an Arabic title, or X in case of a Latin-alphabet title. 

For example:

  1. Shu'un Falastiniyya issue no. 19 (probably around February 1973) would be named: شؤون_فلسطينية-1973-02٪-00-000-0019
  2. Al-Hadaf issue no. 54 from volume no. 2 (May circa the 5th, 1973) would be named: الهدف-1973-05-~05-002-0054
  3. The PFLP publication "نحو شق طريق جديدة في الشارع الفلسطيني" from "early 2000" would be: الجبهة_الشعبية_لتحرير_فلسطين-2000-00-00-نحو_شق_طريق



Add a Book

Name Conventions 

Title: please enter the full title of the document in its original language, without the author name(s). 

Serial name: Please follow the instructions below. 

  1. Issues (of magazines, newspapers, etc.): Title_Title-YYYY-MM-DD-VVV-NNNN
  2. Books and all other documents: Lastname_firstname-YYYY-MM-DD-Title_title (or Lastname_Lastname in case of multiple authors). 
  3. Where: 
    1. Y=year, M=month, D=day, V=volume number, N= issue number.
    2. The number of letters denotes the number of digits in a field. 
  4. The titles follow the original language and numbers are arabic (i.e. 1234 not ١٢٣٤)
  5. If the issue (N) or volume number (V) fields are missing they are to be replaced with zeros.
  6. If publication is by season we use 21 for Spring, 22 (Summer), 23 (Fall), and 24 (Winter) in the months field, and write days as 00. 
  7. An approximate date is denoted by a tilde (~).
  8. An uncertain and estimated date is denoted by a percentage sign (٪).
  9. If either of these signs are placed before the number in a field, it applies to that field only. If it is placed after a number in a field, it applies to all date fields before it as well.
  10. If a digit is missing or unknown, for any reason, it is to be replaced with the letter س in case of an Arabic title, or X in case of a Latin-alphabet title. 

For example:

  1. Shu'un Falastiniyya issue no. 19 (probably around February 1973) would be named: شؤون_فلسطينية-1973-02٪-00-000-0019
  2. Al-Hadaf issue no. 54 from volume no. 2 (May circa the 5th, 1973) would be named: الهدف-1973-05-~05-002-0054
  3. The PFLP publication "نحو شق طريق جديدة في الشارع الفلسطيني" from "early 2000" would be: الجبهة_الشعبية_لتحرير_فلسطين-2000-00-00-نحو_شق_طريق



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