The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 105)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 105)
through the power of their money....The liberation of humanity
can be achieved only through a basic change in the political,
economic, and social relations--by uprooting the existing
order and constructing in its place a new society based on
socialism which will abolish injustice and domination of capi-
tal....We Jews are an integral part of humanity and cannot
be liberated except through the liberation of all humanity.
The liberation of humanity from misery and slavery can be
achieved by the workers only if they unite in a struggle
against their despoilers, destroy the existing order, and
replace it by the reign of labour, justice, freedom, and the
fraternity of mankind. The workers of Europe and America have
united in various societies to achieve their aim and are pre-
paring for a revolution, for the establishment of the reign
of labour socialism. Therefore, we, the Children of Israel,
have decided to affiliate ourselves with this noble Alliance
of Labour." 71
For the Lieberman's Cosmopolitan School of Jewish Socialism, the solu-
tion, thus, lies in the radical transformation of the dominant mode of accumu-
lation, and the establishment of a world socialist order; that is, the dis-
truction of the reign of capital and its replacement by the reign of labor.
Contrary to it, Borochovist proletarian-Zionism assumes the capitalist order
to remain intact, in the heart of which Zionist petty bourgeois socialism is
to be transplanted and nurtured.
Finally and most importantly, while Lieberman's proletarian socialism
assumes the dictatorship of the proletariat, Borochov's proletarian-Zionism
assumes instead, and aspires for, the establishment of a democratic republican
order. Statehood, therefore, must not be viewed as an external variable
undermining the Borochovist socialist order (kibbutz order) as the apologetics
of Borochovism argue. The establishment of a Jewish Republic, a Jewish State,
was the very objective of socialist-Zionism as well. It was advocated by
Borochov himself where he explicitly says:
"The World War is progressing from its imperialist phase to
its revolutionary phase....It is most certain that England
will conquer Palestine, Mesopotamia, and Syria....If so, a
Jewish Republic in Palestine is destined to come."72 (my emphasis)
One cannot, therefore, attribute Statehood to revisionist Zionism and
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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