The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 126)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 126)
dominance, as the capitalist proletariat Jewish class struggle that occupies
centrality in his strategy for the realization of Zionism. His main concern
lies in Jewish proletarianization and Jewish capitalization in Palestine; it
is not so much focusing on the creating of a self-laboring class, i.e., the
restoration of petty bourgeois class-locations undermined by the advancement
of capitalism in Diaspora. This concern is even a determining criteria of
the specificity of the territory to be acquired. Put differently, his con-
cern, as far as a material condition for a bourgeois Jewish State, is the
creation of a capitalist Jewish social formation by the Jewish petty bour-
geoisie, but which necessarily serves the interests of the Jewish metropoli-
tan bourgeoisie. Under the title, "The Jewish Interests and the Zionist
Enterprise," Borochov writes: "We must understand, finally, that the real
interests of the Jewish people are here in the countries of the Diaspora, in
the civilized and industrialized countries, but that the aims of Zionism are
In his discussion, "On the Question of Zion and Territory," Borochov
makes this link between the rationale for the bourgeois character of the
State, the capitalist nature of the Jewish social formation, and the domi-
nance of the Jewish bourgeois/proletariat class antagonisms much clearer as
he points out the two-fold significance of territory for Judaism:
"Its economic importance could be in that the new Jewish
society, which will be created in the territory, will serve
as a refuge and a work place for the oppressed Diaspora Jews.
For that purpose, it is necessary that the Jewish immigrants
could, in that territory, reach normal capitalization and
proletarianization and that the competition from the local
bourgeoisie and local proletariat will not push them outside
of the market. Such importance cannot be ascribed, as we
have seen above, to a territory located in the neighborhood
of a cultured society....The territory could also be of inter-
national importance to Judaism, but for that purpose it is
necessary, first of all, that the overriding influence in
the territory be exercised by Jews, and secondly, that our
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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