The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 204)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 204)
The bi-national proposal formulated by the extreme left proletarian
Zionism was advocated probably as the only possible approximation to a
wholly Jewish State in Palestine when the latter seemed impossible to ac-
complish, given the impossibility of optimizing the "Hebrew labor policy"
under capitalist relations of production. By attempting to acquire the
material prerequisites for establishing a Jewish national entity and State
in Palestine (precisely through the conquest of Palestinian land and the
boycott of Arab labor and produce), the Zionist movement had, in effect,
distorted the material base of the Palestinian national existence; yet,
had not fully acquired the demographic prerequisite for an only Jewish
Sovereign State.
It was a most appropriate move (in terms of Zionist objectives), in
light of those actual material conditions, to propose the bi-national solu-
tion, which rejects either a wholly Arab State or a wholly Jewish State in
Palestine, advocating that "the sovereignty over the country should be held
jointly and equally by two units constitutionally recognized as equal in
weight and status, one representing the Jewish, the other representing the
Arab, interests...."'0?
From the point of view of the Zionist leadership, advocates of Jewish
big capital, this proposal of course represents "the best of all evils";
it is the only thing that could have worked under those material conditions.
Right-wing proletarian Zionists seem, however, to have recalled Boro-
chov's advice; "to create facts and more facts is the cornerstone of poli-
tical strategy", hence, the expulsion of the Palestinian masses in 1948 and
the creation of a new fact. This is the "transfer solution" that had ulti-
mately made the proletarian Zionist strategy an effective one. Why the bi-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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