The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 311)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 311)
- المحتوى
ar 4 . .
the lack of opportunities." 9 The more foreign investment attracted, the
lesser is emigration, the greater becomes the demand for more of this tech-
nically sophisticated lower-paid labor, and hence Labor and National Insur-
ance, a monthly review of the Ministry of Labor, states in May, 1976: "The
need for more academicians to be integrated into our industry is a national
° 120 . e
and economic goal we cannot overlook. In light of such growing need,
the question becomes, what are the potential sources of technical and scien-
tific labor force to be mobilized in response to this growing need? Hypo-
thetically, at least five alternatives exist: (a) intensive investment in
human capital -- training of labor force already available in Israel; (b)
mobilizing into the civilian labor force scientific Israeli labor force re-
Siding abroad or absorbed in the military; (c) intensifying selective immi-
gration of professionally-trained Jews from technologically advanced coun-
tries; (d) import of non-Jewish European labor; and (e) heavier reliance on
Arab labor.
However, not all these hypothetical sources are feasible in fact. If
Israel were to pay the reproduction cost of her technically sophisticated
labor power, she would not have the advantage of lower cost of production
with favorable effects on realization. Thus, it would cease to provide one
of its major investment incentives. Since it is the inflow of highly
trained labor whose training cost falls outside the boundaries of her econ-
omy, that makes it economically feasible for Israel to provide foreign com-
panies with lower-paid high-skilled labor. This is principally at the ex-
pense, not of this portion of the labor force (which is usually subsidized
by philanthropic capital as an absorption cost), but mainly at the expense
of the immigrants' countries of origin and also of the lower strata of the - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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