The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 337)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 337)
Chapter IV
Ibrahim Oweiss, The Israeli Economy: A War Economy, Georgetown
University, Washington, D.C., December, 1974, p. 23.
The Koenig Report, op.cit., as translated in Palestine, Vol. 2,
No. 7, November, 1976.
The estimates of the rate of Arab versus Jewish natural population
increase, as given by this report, seem to be higher than those
provided in public statistical sources; however, the fact that this
is an internal, classified as "very secret" report, means its esti-
mates are likely to be more accurate than those of any other sour-
Quarterly Economic Review - Israel, No. I, 1976.
Skilled manual work in which the early settlers seem to be over-
represented until today is not only traditional Jewish production,
such as clothing, pastry, etc., prevalent in Diaspora, but also and
more importantly, military-related crafts. Reference is specifi-
cally to those primitive workshops which existed already in the
Yishuv and turned out hand grenades and "Sten" guns, as indicated
by Aviation Week & Space Technology, June 14, 1976. The booming
of military craft during the Yishuv is also documented by Paula
Raymon in her Study of Kibbutz Hanita, op.cit., 1976. The Arab
citizens of Israel, although similarly over-represented in skilled
manual labor categories, their over-representation is restricted to
non-military-related crafts and construction, since they were con-
stantly alienated from military service, as well as production.
For details, see The New York Times, January 6, 1977.
An exception to that is the Sepherdic community, well established
in Palestine, mainly dating from pre-Zionist days, and a Yemenite
community. Some date from 1882 and some others were successfully
induced by the leaders of the Second Aliyah to immigrate to Pales-
tine as early as 1910. For details on their place and role in the
Yishuv community, see Shlomo Avineri, "Israel: Two Nations," in
Curtis and Chertoff, eds., Israel: Social Structure and Change,
Transaction Books, 1973, pp. 284-285.
According to Ibrahim Oweiss, op.cit., p. 20,
"Secret Zionist missions throwing bombs into synagogues and other
Jewish centers in Baghdad and killing and wounding many Jews in
1951 was revealed for the first time in 1966. The Government of
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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