The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 354)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 354)
- المحتوى
less economically strategic occupations, while Jews are moving from
the least and less into the more economically strategic occupations.>
This pattern of mobility seems likely to generate a contradiction, in
the sense that Jewish mobility into economically more strategic posi-
tions is resulting in Arab mobility into politically more strategic
positions. The potential for such contradiction can be exemplified by
the following trend: the higher ratio of professionals/scientists to
managers/administrators after than before 1967 among Jews, and the higher
ratio of managers/administrators to professionals/scientists after than
before 1967 among Arabs." Tt can be seen as evident also in the mobility
of Arab labor from occupied territories into Jewish agriculture, a trend
that is discussed later on.
Looking at the average structure instead of the occupational dis-
tribution in the individual years, although clarifying general compara-
tive patterns, it can also obscure important facts. This point is espe-
cially significant in periods of crisis like 1966 and the first half of
1967, when the Israeli economy was passing through severe recession.
During this period, for example, laid-off Arab construction workers seem
to have been pulled back into farm work. The proportion of the Arab
labor force in farming, an occupation that is constantly shrinking all
along the years, prior to and after that crisis, seems suddenly to ex-
pand during recession and absorb Arab lay-offs back into the soil when
the economy does not need them elsewhere in this case (i.e., when the
first construction boom reached its limit and unemployment seemed wide-
spread) .> - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 60931 (1 views)