The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 367)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 367)
the intensification of the penetration and integration of the citizen-
Palestinians within the green-line border into Israel's modern economy,
specifically services and industry; concomitant with the irreversible
rendering of the indigenous traditional sector which can no longer re-
absorb Arabs, once released into the modern labor force.
Third, the availability of a rather more vulnerable (both politically
and economically) Arab labor force through the integration of territories
occupied in the 1967 War into the Israeli economy. A labor force that is
therefore more conducive to the displacement of economic flexibility.
Does the availability of this labor force make it economically possible
and politically necessary to integrate the citizen-Arabs into the Israeli
economy on a more firm employment basis, hence undermining the conditions
for its vulnerability and reinforcing its bargaining power?
Of course, the latter depends very much on the way the Palestinian
question is to be settled in the near or far future; specifically, whether
or not the inflow of Palestinian workers across the green-line borders
stops or continues and under what terms of trade! Assuming the non-
withdrawal from the occupied territories as an irreversible political fact,
then on the basis of data we already have (such as those in Table A, for
example), we can compute and identify the possible trends. However, one
cannot comfortably make such an assumption. We-already know that the
use of migratory labor from Mexico and Puerto Rico was not to improve the
conditions of black labor; at best, it was to discipline the latter. Al-
though, in effect, black occupational mobility and improvement in income
status was promoted by the penetration of alien migratory labor, the latter
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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